take the quiz

Take the Quiz to identify your mythical marketing voice

Think a profitable newborn photography business is a myth?

Think again.

... and start to have fun in your business again. No more blinking cursors not knowing what to say. 

Automate your biz like a boss and get away from the laptop and back behind the camera

Think a pre-written guide that actually sounds like you is a total unicorn? Have we got the mythical creature for you. 

All of our workflows, guides and questionnaires are available in 12 different voices to fit YOU. No more generic BS that doesn't sound quite right. 

The quiz will determine:

1) how you like to speak to your clients

2) how you like to sell to your clients


take the quiz

That niching will cost you clients.
But we both know from experience that when you get clear about what you promise and who it’s for, it’s so much easier to talk with passion about it.

That client experience is just about the day of the photoshoot.
The truth is, a great client experience starts the day someone sees your marketing, runs through the booking and paying, and doesn’t end until you ask for that 5* review (and yes, you gotta ask!).

There are so many myths, or should we say fears, out there about marketing in business:

That you suck at selling.

When you’ve truly focused on understanding the clear promise you are making about what you do, how you do it and why, that passion comes through. And then sales calls don’t feel hard at all, they're just conversations about your passion that end with a new client.

That you need 5* reviews for people to know you’re a good photographer.

Well, that’s not entirely wrong! But if it was just about that, no one would need to read them. The fact of the review would be enough. 
If you read your reviews (and we hope you do) then you’ll see that what your clients talk about is your ‘how’ and sometimes your ‘why.’ It’s about how you made them feel.

Take this example Paige and her team at Glean & Co received from a recent client:

Paige and her team were amazing to work with. We were incredibly comfortable during the process from the initial discussions around our vision, what we ultimately wanted as a final product and throughout the shoot itself.

We did the belly to baby package, which was two sessions, and by working with the same photographer we had a lot of cohesion in the look and feel of our final selections. The team worked so well with each of us, and once our baby was born, so incredible getting her comfortable and in position for some wonderful photos. One aspect that really put this experience over the top was being able to review the images the same day as our photoshoots. It brought us both to tears.”

a recent glean & co Review:

“it brought us both to tears”

what people are saying / 

Are you ready to provide the ultimate client experience with emails, guides, and full workflows in your voice?

Take the quiz

You treat your clients like good friends, and you’re going to get real about your life in your communications! You want everyone to feel that they know, like and trust you. 

You are a solo photographer and it’s unlikely you’ll bring on assistants or extra staff - you are the face (and heart) of your brand and you want it to stay that way.

If you’ve tried downloading templates before, they probably felt too stuffy and formal. Or if they were more bubbly and friendly, the overly personal stories and phrases just weren’t ‘you’ - because, how could they be!? 

You are building your business with you- the artist- at the center. Sure you might bring in a VA here or there to help but really your clients are hiring you.

It feels weird writing in an overly professional fashion, especially when these clients are people you know and get to love, but you also want to be clear that this is a business, and not just a side-hustle for you.

If you’ve tried downloading templates before, you probably like the idea of them, but they felt too chatty, or the personal stories and phrases were too much. But the formal business templates are just too stiff.

The Water Creatures

Earth creatures, you are just as serious about your business as Fires, but you like to let your hair down a little and infuse some of your personality into your brand. 

You want to communicate clearly with your clients, but add some personal touches and use more approachable and friendly language when you do so.

If you’ve tried downloading templates before, you’ve probably struggled if they’ve sounded bubbly and overly friendly. But general business templates are often too formal and sanitized and don’t work for you either.

You already know your business is a brand, and you feel comfortable comparing yourself with big-name businesses.

You treat your business seriously and you take the act of communicating about it seriously, too.

You most likely have a team - and even if you’re a solo photographer, you present your business as if it has several employees.

If you’ve tried downloading templates before, you’ve probably found that the ‘personality’ in them is overpoweringly casual and off putting. 

The Fire Creatures

The Earth Creatures

The Air Creatures

The 4 elements of newborn photographer brand voice:

let’s dig into the 12 different voices to understand their strengths.

meet paige

- that sound like you.

We're flow + format

A newborn photographer + brand voice copywriter who joined forces to create the ultimate client experience packAge of guides and emails

paige mcleod & gillian hill

hey, I'm Paige.

I’ve been a newborn photographer for over 7 years and own Glean + Co Photography Studio in Boise, Idaho. I’m also a newborn photographer educator.

When I was building my newborn photography business, I was always on the lookout for templates and examples of emails I knew I needed in my workflow. 

I knew that setting out the expectations I had for my clients was key, and that automating the emails meant I could skip the late nights and weekends away from the kids and deliver consistent results clients loved (even if life got in the way of my admin time). 

But nothing I downloaded or copied sounded like me and I spent hours on end trying to tweak them to fit …

Paige McLeod - Newborn Photographer

meet gill

Gill Hill - brand voice copywriter

I’m a copywriter of 6 years and not only specialize in brand voice, I’m a co-instructor of arguably the best brand voice course for copywriters .I’m also Paige’s biz bestie, and as soon as she told me her problem with templates, I knew how to fix it.

I pride myself in getting the ‘this sounds just like me’ compliment from clients I create custom emails and websites for. But I know most photographers can’t afford a full workflow of emails created specifically for them.

So Paige and I worked together to identify the key guides and workflow newborn photographers need to wow their clients and get those 5* reviews . . .Written in 12 different styles of voice, so they actually sound like you.

and I'm Gill!

back to start

what's my creature?

We created 12 different types of voices to reflect the different types of business personality and values newborn photographers have. And we chose to name them after mythical creatures, because hidden in every one is a selection of strengths and powers. 

When you focus on those powers and not your fears, you’ll find it easier to talk about your business, decide which direction to go next, and identify who are good-fit clients that you actually want to be spending time selling to.

So let’s dig into the 12 different voices to understand their strengths.

Harness your powers to propel your photography business to success

We worked together to create the perfect workflow of emails a newborn or family photographer needs to prioritize an amazing client experience that has

the reviews

repeat business

and referrals rolling in

written in 12 different styles of voice . . .
so they actually sound like you.

we know it sounds to good to be true.

are you Ready?

Take the quiz

How do you like to talk to your clients?

Do you use "We" or "I" when writing your emails or newsletters

How do you like to talk to your clients?

Do you use "We" or "I" when writing your emails or newsletters


Your Brand Is:

Studio | Formal | In Person Sales

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Your Brand Is:

Photography Business | Semi-Casual | In Person Sales

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Your Brand Is:

Studio | Formal | online Sales

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Your Brand Is:

Studio | Formal | All-inclusive sales

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Your Brand Is:

Photography Business | Semi-Casual | Online Sales

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Your Brand Is:

Photography Business | Semi-Casual | All-inclusive sales

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Your Brand Is:

Photo Biz | Casual | In Person Sales

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Your Brand Is:

Photo Biz | Casual | Online Sales

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Your Brand Is:

Photo Biz | Casual | All Inclusive Sales

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Your Brand Is:

Photographer | Bubbly | In Person Sales

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Your Brand Is:

Photographer | Bubbly | Online Sales

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Your Brand Is:

Photographer | Bubbly | All Inclusive Sales

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