
Your Brand Is:

Studio | Formal | In Person Sales

Whether you are a one-person business or a team of 12, you treat your business as a company. And when it comes to your business, you mean business. 

You want to be taken seriously and present a professional and premium impression to your clients. You talk about your business as if there are multiple people involved – because if there isn’t now, there might be in the future. Yes, you’re building an empire, and no, you’re not playing small.

But that means that any slip in how you present your brand can risk this impression being diluted. 

Whether you are a one-person business or not, you treat your business as a company. And when it comes to your business, you mean business. 

You want to be taken seriously and present a professional and premium impression to your audience. You talk about your business as if there are multiple people involved – because if there isn’t now, there might be in the future. Yes, you’re building an empire, and no, you’re not playing small.

But that means that any slip in how you present your brand can risk this impression being diluted. 

How a Phoenix Brand Communicates:

A rushed email to a client at 11pm because you’ve been looking after a sick kid all day.

An unprepared-for sales meeting because you spent too long on client admin the day before.

A cringe-worthy social media post by your new assistant that’s full of emojis and exclamation marks.

Channel your Phoenix muse to keep your client communications crystal clear

Once you know how you want to sound, you need to sound like that at every touchpoint your client has with you.

When you do, you have clients who love the experience, refer you to friends, and keep coming back.

When you mess up and your clients are confused, you’re left with bad reviews, lukewarm sales calls, and less money in your pocket.

now in pre-sale!

And knowing your communication superpower means your clients know what to expect at every touchpoint, from your marketing to your email requesting payment to confirmation of their photoshoot, to asking for a review.

If you’re going to represent yourself as a professional studio that your clients can trust to take great images and give them a premium experience, then you need to showcase that in every communication.

Grabbing templates for free online or copying other businesses' emails won’t do that. It will result in your clients seeing you as inconsistent, maybe even sloppy, and leave them confused about who you are.

Don’t leave them doubting that you are a professional studio made up of individuals who care. 

Automate your emails so at every step, whatever else is happening in your life, you present your competent, in-charge, professional brand to your clients.

The Phoenix Brand is Rising . . . 


early bird




The Phoenix Brand:

brand voice key components

Taken care of
In Person Sales
printed products
Consistent client experience = $$$$



It's time to implement.

With guides that actually fit your voice.

And a client workflow that will have your customers singing your praises, more money in your pocket and (a lot!) more time with your family. 

now that you know ...

Ready to streamline your workflow - in your voice?

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Provide a great representation of your studio before people even know who you are!

If you’re looking to bring in more leads so you can start wowing them with your imagery and style, then Pregnant In [Your City] Guide is a great way to do that.

Plus, you can build local connections by showcasing the best providers and businesses in your area that you trust – at the same time as having them advertise you, for free!

While Pregnant In [Your City] Guide will include a special offer for your photography services, its greatest value is providing essential information to parents-to-be and being available in the places they are naturally visiting in your city.

Showcase your images and communication style in your classic Phoenix Brand style.  

And prime the audience for what to expect from you as a brand - in your marketing and on sales calls and emails.

The Pregnant In [Your City] Guide:


now only


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A Phoenix brand knows to keep their clients’ preferences in mind when providing a premium experience 

And that means using not just email but also SMS to provide updates and info.

By providing everything your client needs - in a number of formats - they can respond in whichever way is easiest for them.

And by keeping your voice consistent across both email and SMS, your clients receive a seamless experience and a feeling of being in control.

Our Complete SMS Bundle replicates the workflow of our emails, but in SMS format. Use along with emails, or as a standalone format of communication.

Complete SMS Workflow

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If you have a strong workflow laid out, then you’ve already minimized the chances of mismatched expectations with clients. Congrats!

But things can still go wrong. You end up with a nightmare client, or one who refuses to read your emails and doesn’t understand what you’ll do for them (and won’t).

These are the perfect emails for when you’re lost about what to say, and on a time crunch to make things right with a client. They are written in a classic Phoenix brand style to communicate your formal, professional tone. You can adapt them to your voice, but if you need to send one fast, it’s going to sound more like you than other emergency email templates out there.

Grab the 911 bundle - before you need it, so you can be ready for any emergency!

911 Email Emergencies

now in pre-sale!

The perfect way to streamline client emails so they are consistent, clear, and set up expectations.

Once a client is in the door, your goal is to keep them happy so they give amazing reviews, keep coming back, and recommend you to others. 

Let your clients do the advertising for you!

Set your clients’ expectations early of what they can expect from you and how you communicate it

 A Phoenix brand loves to be in complete control, even if it is more behind-the-scenes than center stage.

A strong, consistent workflow lets you do that without having to spend hours sending last minute emails or missing sending important info to clients.

Complete Email Workflow 

templates for Photographers /

We’re Paige and Gill, a photographer and copywriter who teamed up to create workflows, templates and client guides that actually sound like you.

Hey there! 

As a copywriter who specializes in brand voice, as soon as I heard Paige’s problems with templates, I knew how to fix it.

I pride myself in getting the ‘this sounds just like me’ compliment from clients I create custom emails and websites for. 

But I know most photographers can’t afford a full workflow of emails created specifically for them.

as soon as i heard Paige's problem, I knew how to fix it

So we worked together to create the perfect workflow of emails a newborn or family photographer needs to prioritize an amazing client experience that has the reviews, repeat business, and referrals rolling in – written in 12 different styles of voice.

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